Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sweat Even Thinking About Spicy Food

....und Tschüssss

After 2 days of full throttle work with Willi, Dr Stein and Harald

is completed our escort.

and loaded. Just serious!

More good news. We have a new birth of donors!
Gehölz-Baumpflege - Christof Ölz -
Josef Schwentner -
Tischlerei - Günter Wolf -
Gasthof Schöne Aussicht - Robert Ritter
Altwarenhändler - Ventilator
Gartenbau - Thomas Winkler
Elektrotechnik - Amann Markus -

Rechtsanwalt - Dr. Helmut Mäser

Vielen Dank an unsere Geburtshelfer die an uns Glauben und unterstützen!
Ich hoffe ich hab keinen vergessen! Stress! sonst mail an:

Heute Abend ab 22 sind wir schon in Startposition mit Lagerfeuer und Musik:
Neu Amerika, Am Strand, nähe Kiosk, Bregenz. Wer Lust hat kommt!

So I must now pack. But what? - A sax and a guitar - nothing else _Nackt:)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Poptropica Big Nate Goto Seagul

Vorbereitung in vollem Gange

Harald herbs, Sandra Witzemann and Dr Stone have already completed almost all the preparation. We look forward to each follower.

Thurs 01 01:10:09 Section: New America - Water Castle 18km
Fri 02:10:09 2002 Stage: Water castle - 18km Friedrichshafen
Sat 03:10:09 Stage 03: Friedrichshafen - Sea Castle 20km Sun
04:10:09 2004 Section: Meersburg - Sipplingen 21km stage Sipplingen
Mon 05:10:09 2005 - Kargegg 20km
Tues 06 06:10:09 Section: Kargegg - Constance 20km
Wed 07:10:09 2007 Stage Constance - Radhofzell 22km stage Radhofzell
Thurs 08 08:10:09 - 09:10:09 2009 Fri
cheeks 20km stage cheeks - Berlingen 20km
Sat 10:10 .09 Section 10 Berlingen - Constance 20km stage 11
Sun 11.10.09 Konstanz - Romanshorn 22km
12:10:09 Mon 12th stage Romanshorn - Rorschach 20km
Tues 13 13:10:09 Section Rorschach - New America 20km

Graduation : date, location to be announced

suggestions, opinions, photos, Videos, audio

Thanks to our sponsors:
Michael Fiebiger (Braike Cafe "), Bregenz
corona espresso bar, Bregenz
Chris Albrecht (" Cuba "), Bregenz
Mexican Restaurant "Viva", Bregenz
Beat Fuchs, Dornbirn
BP gas station Hatlerdorf, Dornbirn
Vigl Print, Dornbirn
Raiffeisen Bank, Rankweil

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bionicle Design Instructions

Argumente für den Förderer / Spender

  • Sustainable unique cross-cultural / Connections Project
  • first official tribute to the Lake Constance region Real-time
  • first real-time Bodensee Symphony
  • Multivision documentation (picture / video / audio) -With a list of all donors
  • expansion of the section over the coming years (eg annual repeat or 4-year cycle as music Olympics
  • initiation of a new cultural offensive with sophistication, despite
  • broad effect
  • Synergistic effect at the interface between culture and Tourism
  • strengthening the innovator role in Vorarlberg in 4 countries Bodensee
  • opening of a new adventure for musically interested
We firmly believe that this issue will also be reflected in many international
media and to a kind of " St. James' for musicians develop

All Sponsors / donors are in the multi-vision documentary (Image / Video / Sound) integrated
and also mentioned in the following projects as a special sponsor.
presentation of the DVD documentary. on 16 November TiK in Dornbirn.

The events can be followed at the following blog.

Lake Pilgrimage of Music
Purpose: Bodensee pilgrimage f. musicians
Ktnr. 117 390, Bank Number. 37 461, Raiba Rankweil

What's Best For Fecal Incontinence

Technischer Ablauf der LandART-Wanderung

  • The saxophonist Harald herbs plays only while walking
  • care team den Musiker bei seinen Ruhephasen
  • In den Ruhephasen spricht und geht der Musiker nicht
  • Bei jedem Ruheplatz werden vom Künstler Dr Stein einzigartige Skulpturen erschaffen
  • Jeder Schritt innerhalb der 20km Tagesetappen wird vom Musiker wird durch das Saxophonspiel wiedergegeben (auch der Weg zum WC)
  • Das Team übernachtet unter freien Himmel und überlebt durch ihre Gönner
  • Der Start und Endzyklus jeder Tagesetappe ergibt sich mit dem Zyklus der Sonne. Auch bei Regen scheint die Sonne : )
Durch das Dauerspiel des Saxophonisten wird die meditative Wirkung des pilgerns zusätzlich
verstärkt und der Zustand der inneren Versenkung gefördert.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Videso De Ninas Follando

Bodensee-Pilgerweg für Musiker

ai Pellegrini Via di Musici
sul Lago di Constanza

La Route des pélerins pour les musiciens
du Lac de Constance

Pilgrims way for musicians
at the Lake of Constance

concept of
Harald herbs, and Dr Sandra Witzemann stone
Contact: Harald herbs
6 6850 Dornbirn Tel
0699 11,340,922
mail: harald.kraeuter @

Each step of an experience, every step language, each step past, every step Future. And,
everything together. In the language that no one knows but everyone feels it.
only the scale of security adopted pleasing, we come into the cell of repetition.
nourish us there in safety, is sure to nourish our wide security system.
And while stunted the moment. If, takes care of the security granted us the
safety of safety.
But what is sure?
Harald herbs

On the morning of 1 October 2009 by 8 clock, on the beach of New America (Bregenz) starts the pre-opening (= first ascent) of Lake Constance pilgrimage for musicians. The congenial dada saxophonist Harald herbs, accompanied by his team and Dr Sandra Witzemann stone go on the 14-day walk around the lake.
The birth of the Lake Constance pilgrimage for musicians. Herbs combines the unlimited possibilities of sound for the inspiring sights and sounds around the lake in improvisational context.
estimated 100 hours of play time within 14 days for a distance of 283 km, are mainly along the lines of Lake Constance to cope, whatever the weather. In the tread of the daily stages are recorded by the musician Harald herbs all pulses and transformed by the saxophone. To ensure an authentic reflection of the moment may, the saxophonist is articulated in this period, never by words but by music.
At each rest area will be created by the artist Dr Stein unique sculpture, a musical performance description, the unique leaves traces.

All are invited to accompany this "caravan" to learn in a new experience
in a perhaps already known world.