Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Techdecklive.com Play Now

Multivisions-Show mit Liveperformance

an experience every step, every step language, each step past, every step of the future. ;
everything together. In the language that no one knows but everyone feels it.
only the scale of security adopted pleasing, we come into the cell of repetition.
us there
; nähren in Sicherheit, sich sicher Sicherheit breit an unserem Wesen 
  Und währenddessen der Moment verkümmert.
Wenn Kümmerts, 
Sicherheit zur Sicherheit gewährt uns die Sicherheit der Sicherheit.
 Doch was ist uns sicher?
                                                                                         Harald Kräuter

1 Saxophonist namens Harald Kräuter umzingelt von mehreren Künstlern und Gefährten nahm einen 14tägigen Fußmarsch um den Bodensee auf sich. Er reflektierte auf jedem seiner Schritte die Umgebung und Einflüsse in malerischen 100 Std Saxophon-Impressionen, die er mit Geräuschen und Klängen in einen improvisatorischen Kontext verpackte. Ein Monumentum von Schwingung, dessen Wirkung profetische Verzückung entfacht(e).
 Auf den 290km Bodensee-Umfang begleitete ihn 1 Karawane, die mit 1 aufgebrachten Ganter kämpfen musste, die 100 musikhungrige Kuhherden erleben durfte und außerdem noch mit 100 Stoa-Männle den See säumte. Wenig Verständnis wurde diesen außergewöhnlichen Neo-Pilgern nur von 500 Schafsköpfen entgegengebracht, doch 1000de staunende Menschen bewiesen durch ihre Freude, die sie nicht verbergen konnten, das Gegenteil.
Wir danken für die unbezahlbaren Erlebnisse
Harald Kräuter mit seinem Team
Sandra, Dr. Stone, Geri, Diego, Patrizio und Conny

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Superfeet Motion Control Shoes


Meine lieben Freunde und Unterstützer. Nach einer kräftigen Erholungspause kommen wir wieder langsam in die Gänge. Dr Stein wird am Freitag in Dornbirn
Operiert (Miniskus) und Dijego rennt im Gips herum und muss Eventuell auch Opperiert werden. Gerry ist zäh und wird noch nach Arbogast gehen um sich beim Schuzpatron zu bedanken. Sandra muss auf ein Seminar nach Griechenland (auch toll) Conny und Patrizio sind jung und zäh. Harald ist müde und muss 1 Monat nach Wien zum Arbeiten.
Ich möchte mich bei allen die uns unterstütz haben recht herzlich bedanken. Ohne diese Unterstützung wäre die Realisierung dieses Project not have been possible.
We planned on December 4 in Tik (Jahngasse 10 / VERS), a multimedia show where we play our impressions and experiences around the lake.
The next update from the blog will be at 10:12:09.
The second season is being planned summer 2010. See you soon and thank you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Plan B Pain When Urination


Yesterday, 13 October 2009 against 20 the clock, with 3 hours delay, the Bodensee Symphony has come to their conclusion. The group around the musician Harald herb has reached the target (the circumnavigation of Lake Constance) in New America. With him were the companions Sandra, Dr Stone, Geri, Didi, Diego, and Patrizio Conny.
Sie wurden von vielen Fans bereits erwartet, obwohl sie 3 Stunden zu spät kamen

Bild: Sandra und Michael Ortner 

Bild: Der Handziehwagen ist auf dem VW-Bus von Dr Stone verladen.

Anschließend hat in Hörbranz die Abschlußfeier stattgefunden. Es sind ca. 30 Personen gekommen und es war ein berauschendes Fest. Wir bedanken uns bei Walter Resch, daß er die Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung gestellt hat, und Walter und Willi für das gute Essen, das sie uns zubereitet haben.
Link zur Online-Galerie von Walter Resch: Cybergalerie

Wir bleiben jetzt alle noch 1 Nacht bei Walter und lassen es noch schön ausklingen. Wir haben schönes Wetter an diesem traumhaften Platz und sitzen hier im Garten.

Sandra möchte sich nochmals bei allen bedanken:
Walter und Willi, Michael Ortner mit Freundin Karin, die Arbeitskollegen Jassi und Manni, ihr Chef, Marco, ihrer Schwester Desiree und natürlich ihrer Tochter, die sie über alles liebt.

Vielen Dank allen Sponsoren und Helfern!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Severe Pain After Cervical Cerclage

Tag 13 - 13.10.2009 (letzter Tag)

Am Dienstag werden wir bei Gaißau über eine kleine Fahrradbrücke gehen und pünktlich um 17 Uhr in Neu-Amerika ankommen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn uns in der morgigen letzten Etappe ganz viele Menschen begleiten würden!
Es sind natürlich alle Sponsoren und Blog-Leser sehr herzlich auf die Abschlußfeier in Hörbranz eingeladen!
(Bitte um kurze Email an: bodenseesymphonie@xlnet.at oder Kommentar "...Name... kommt auch auf die Abschlußfeier!")

Wir haben heute in einer Tischlerei übernachtet. Bei diesem Wetter natürlich ein Segen. Ing Markus Zippel has kindly let us sleep in his window-joinery (window Zippel).

Image: Thanks to the family Zippel

Yesterday we lost our scouts Didi. He has important things from Diego there and we hope that we will find him soon. But as he is a spy, yes, he will spot us again!

Picture: Storm Clouds in Vorarlberg

We make up 11 clock stop at the airport and look at the storm clouds in Vorarlberg. It has also hailed in Dornbirn.

Bild: So ein Baumstamm lockt nur noch ein Lächeln hervor

Um 15:30 Uhr sind wir in Höchst. Hier hat Lore Schneider? schon auf der Straße gewartet, bis wir vorbei kommen und hat uns dann Wein in Weingläsern (so etwas zerbrechliches sind wir nicht mehr gewohnt) serviert. Jetzt gibt es noch einen Cappuccino und dann geht es weiter. Wir danken ihr auch für die Geldspende!
Bild: Pause bei Lore in Höchst

Wir sind schon ein bißchen müde, aber bis 17 Uhr schaffen wir es nach Neu-Amerika. Radio Proton begleitet uns bis dorthin.

Um 17 Uhr sind wir immer noch in Fußach (Mockenried) und wir brauchen noch ca. 2 Stunden bis Neu-Amerika.
Geplante Ankunft: ca. 19 Uhr!

Spark Plug Wire Diagram For 2001 Mustang V6 3.8

Tag 12 - Mo, 12.10.2009

Heute morgen hat ein Gaskocher Feuer gefangen und ist uns fast explodiert. Wir hatten gerade eine neue Kartusche eingesetzt.
Bild: Übernachtung beim Holzensteiner Bad 

Diego läuft die beiden letzten Tage mit uns. Er hat einen Tag ausgesetzt, weil er Schmerzen im rechten Arm hatte. Im Spital hat man festgestellt, that he had a Sehneneinriß. He got a cast, but even that can stop him not to lead the tour with us to the end.
Photo: Cafe in Romanshorn

At 10 clock we sit in a cafe in Romanshorn to us warm. Geri today looks fabulous - really recovered. Where did he sleep today?

picture: coffee at Erwin Feurer

improved by 13 clock we are 2 km from Arbon. Here we met Erwin Feurer, of us in his giant house invited (peppered with many works of art) to coffee and brandy. It rains just full pipe, so is the just be twice as nice here! Erwin is an art promoter ( Cultural Palace ) and is always happy when he can help artists. Speaking Harald noted that he has ever played in a club in Rheineck with him.

At 14:30 clock we are in Arbon at a bus stop with a broken window in until the worst of the rain is over. We have a good step, Diego is again well fit (in spite of gypsum).

In the UN today is a report (1 / 2 page) printed on our project. At 16

set clock we stand at a port-in Steinach (1 km to Arbon) under, because it once again "full houses" rains. We have cleaned the table and make a short break. We have our car parked at the harbor master parking. If anyone has the right to park there, then we are!

The weather is quite uncomfortable, add to that the icy wind. That we can not harm but tonight, for we are well accommodated. A man invited us to stay in his carpentry (the city). The same man also has a guest house where we got hot tea with rum. Asked by Diego why he does that, he said, "I do not know what came over me ist".

Wir sind auf jeden Fall glücklich, so kommen wir wieder gut durch's Wetter. Harald's Eltern sind auf Besuch und haben viele gute Sachen zum Essen mitgebracht.

Wir werden am Dienstag, den 13.10.2009 bei Gaißau über die kleinste Grenze (Radfahrer-Holzbrücke) gehen und um ca. 17 Uhr in Neu-Amerika ankommen. Anschließend wird das Abschlußfest in Hörbranz stattfinden (siehe Lageplan rechts oben).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Places To Spend Prom Week

Tag 11, So, 11.10.2009

Unser Nachtlager war 1 km vor Konstanz in einem Freibad. Wir haben beschlossen, daß wir nicht auf Konstanz gehen, sondern direkt nach Kreuzlingen. Geri hat seine Zähne verloren, wir have all been searched, but unfortunately found nothing.

Shortly after 11 clock we are in Kreuzlingen. Up to our destination Romanshorn it is about 20 km.

Sandra was detained by Customs officials for 1 hour because something was wrong with the passport and travels to the group by train.

Now we are only 5 Then There Were None: Harald plays while running with the saxophone, Didi (scouts) look forward to the bike, so we are not in detours and pick 3 people (Geri, Patrizio, Connie) the car. If it goes up, it will be a little difficult!

We are on the clock at 14:30 about 10 km Romanshorn and take a break. Sandra is now back with us. It's a tough story, we are all really tired!

Many thanks to Michael Ortner, who gave us yesterday and brought goulash 30 Tyrolean dumplings. We now live off of it yet!

Since 18:30 clock, we are in Romanshorn and beat with wooden Steiner bath on our camp.
A musician has seen us from the train, got out and did not really play a serenade. This is very commendable. The musician has been reported by email: His name is "Marsilio Passaglia" and would be happy to play in a session with.

Diego and Dr Stone (with crutches) have come to visit.

Finally a comment on our performance: A
half marathon is a long-distance race over 21.0975 km.
This is about the distance we travel every day for 11 days !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ask The Price Of Sorafenib

Tag 10 - Sa, 10.10.2009

Gestern hatten wir noch einen lustigen Abend, Berlingen ist eine liebe Stadt.
Heute beim Aufräumen ist es etwas zäh, man muß alles selber machen. Man merkt, daß wir weniger Leute sind.
Der Akku vom Handy ist wieder einmal leer und es mangelt an Ladestationen. Wir müssen nächstes Mal ein Solarpanel auf dem Wagendach anbringen, aber bei diesem Wetter bringt das auch nichts. Ja, der Wetterumschwung hat kaltes, windiges, nasses Oktoberwetter gebracht. Aber die 4 Tage halten wir noch durch.
Bild links: Sandra und Geri, Bild rechts: Patrizio lacht

Clock At 11 we are 10 km from Konstanz. The pace is good. Geri has a dead center. We take a short break with Nußgipfel and wine. After the magnesium drink Geri will fly again.

We are greeting all were very nice, especially Dr Stone and Diego.

Once again a call to all - We are still happy to accept donations!
Donations: Lake Pilgrimage of Music, account no. 117 390, BLZ 37 461, Raiba Rankweil

So start the same Teiebanking and pay a small donation.
Thank you very much!

improved by 13 clock we are 5 km from Konstanz and take a break. We are wet, but we are not cold, because we are moving enough.
image: Outdoor Constance

At 16 clock we have 1 km from Konstanz found a place to stay: an outdoor swimming pool (unsupervised swimming area - WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND will be rejected "- that is ideal for us). Here it has a small roof, which is with this rain is very advantageous. There is a fountain, a 3-meter diving platform and Sandra and Patrick have already bathed.

At 17 clock
us scouts Didi brought food, so we can prepare a dinner.
We still get visitors from Nuremberg (Michael).
Dr Stone was at the doctor today and has an operation date on Friday due to his meniscus. Nevertheless, we are Dr Stone and Diego come to visit tomorrow and we are looking forward big!
Another visit has been announced for tomorrow: Gitte from the angel.

Thank you still with Michael Brenner for bringing beer, wine and other things and his company dhb solar systems (Daniel and Benjamin Hofbauer), lime street 2, 87 647 Unterthingau, www.dhb-solarsysteme.de

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can You Change Your Outfit Color In Poptropica

Tag 9 - Fr, 9.10.2009

The meniscus of Dr Stone makes enormous problems, and the right arm of Diego. We have decided to have picked up two people and go to a hospital in Austria.

image (left to right): Diego, Harald, Dr Stone, Geri

Dr Stone does joke tablets and is by sweating. Karl herbs (dad of Harald) picks up Diego and Dr Stone at 12:30 clock. Dr Stone assures us with wet eyes, that he - if it's somehow - come back tomorrow.

image: knee Association Miniskusverletzung Dr Stone

Image: Connie, in front of our car traveling

The mood is clouded, we can be beaten but not carry on the pilgrimage. Karl herb has also brought a box of food (meat, cheese, beverages). Harald is especially pleased with a Geiger Walker ("sensational goods").

Today we might still have a hard stage: in the afternoon 15 kms to Berlingen.

Image: brief pause on the way to Berlingen

at 18:45 clock we reached Berlingen. We stay behind the church in the main stand of the promenade by the lake. Today we had a cool session with Patrick on the drum. We are currently 6 people: Harold, Sandra, Geri, Didi, Patricia and Connie. It's all great, but the 2 guys (Dr Stone and Diego) missed a bit. Diego has a Sehneneinriß, was treated and morning will come again. Dr Stone will be cared for at home and goes to the hospital tomorrow.

Only a small call: People are welcome to come visit us.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can I Watch Movies Online With My Nokia E71

Tag 8 - Do, 8.10.2009

We are all in good humor. The drizzle had stopped by 10 clock and we will start to leave now.
Image: Harald at the camp

in Stein am Rhein, we are to meet today SWR4.

We are about to clock up 13 Stein am Rhein. The day is difficult today, everyone has their pain points (toenail, meniscus, bubbles, etc.) - but we do have in each case by!

At 14:30 clock we do 3km from Stein am Rhein a break. We have good mood and are all fully finished.
The road is really a pilgrimage!

make in Stein am Rhein, we now have music on the promenade, because we really expected the coal.

Image: The restaurant Weinberg

Thanks to Ms. Ott of the restaurant on the Vineyard, Espiweg 1, CH-8260 Stein am Rhein. bought

Thanks also to the donor, the Dr Stone in a pharmacy has a knee bandage around his meniscus problems keep something in the fence.

We stay today in the monastery on the island (in the case of Stein am Rhein). The Father has given us an entire cottage available, a kitchen where we cook and a dormitory for sleeping - we are really very welcome. We have already cooked something and to drink wine.
It is an incredibly beautiful place here - around water at this historic ground.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Commercial Smoke Detectors

Tag 7 - Mi, 7.10.2009

Many thanks to the family Gul, who has allowed us to stay in the beach moss! It was really great to have hot showers and a roof over their head.
Image: Harald with family Gül

Image: Our warehouse space in Moss Beach

Image: Harald playing saxophone at the submarine

Yesterday we have visited and Walter and Felix stayed with us.
SWR4 has announced overnight.

Image: cairns in Moss Beach

Today we have nice weather and arrived in Gaienhofen clock by 13. We have decided at this beautiful place turn over our camp.
The submarine is a hammer. Diego has now problems with his right arm, so this one-day route securely attached. By the way we want Diego for his Invitation to eat and drink heartily thank yesterday evening.

Harald had now been 7 contacts with the media, do it excessively, therefore reporting somewhat.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Funky Popcorn Recipes

Tag 6 - Di, 6.10.2009

We found a nice camp in Radolfzell, respectively, the only one, because the banks are hardly accessible.
It's great that we now have the initials little more time. Thus, various wounds (Diego's toenail, Dr Stone's bubbles) heal something. We have the gears of our scout-bike lubricated and repaired the car a little and put back on its feet.

left to right: Geri, Harald, Patrizio at the break

At 12 clock we are in moss (about 1.5 km from Radolfzell). We will play in the inner city, then lunch somewhere.
We found the swimming area of moss a super great storage space with warm! Showers and stay here tonight. At 19 clock
we sit together at the lake in a fine round and play guitar and drums. The course is planned next year as fixed main station!

Tonight Felix comes with the bike to visit.

The press seems to have come to the taste:
  • Proton Radio today is to come.
  • SWR4 has been announced for tomorrow.
  • "Vorarlberg news" tomorrow will do an interview.
The farewell party is held on 13 October at Walter Resch, Heri fire road 101 in Lochau.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Employer Withheld Too Much Fica

Tag 5 - Mo, 5.10.2009

We have one injured - with Diego, a toenail is dissolved. Therefore it is not given up though. Plastered with Plantain and move on.

Image: Diego after a refreshing dip in the lake.

We would again like to thank Diego, who supported us not only locally but with a donation of EUR 100, - as a donor has become active.
Calling all - We still like to accept donations
Donations: Lake Pilgrimage of Music, account no. 117 390, BLZ 37 461, Raiba Rankweil

We arrived at 11:30 clock in Ludwigshafen. The south side of Lake Überlingen is not accessible by the lake, but only by an elevated highway.

is why we decided to go directly to Radolfzell.

At 16 clock we are in Radolfzell shortly before the lake. Everyone is happy that this tough stage is over. We had to mostly go on a road car. The large truck transporters have all honked. It looks as if they know who we are because they have heard on the radio. Today, we had also the first time some rain.
We meet Patrick and Connie, who will accompany us on the tour continued.

We are out of money so we try in Radolfzell recoup some money with street music, so we still get something to eat.

Durch die Abkürzung haben wir 1 Tag eingespart - wir werden den morgigen Tag deshalb verwenden, um etwas Geld zu organisieren.

Am Bahnhof haben wir von Insidern erfahren, daß in Radolfszell nur etwa 500 m Strand frei zugänglich sind und wie wir dort hinkommen. Wir werden dort unser Lager aufschlagen und am Abend beim Lagerfeuer noch eine Session machen.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lindsay Dawn Mckenzie First

Tag 4 - So, 4.10.2009

Unser Lager ist 1 km vor Meersburg. Gestern hat es mit dem Lagerplatz Schwierigkeiten gegeben, man wollte uns zuerst nicht übernachten lassen und heute früh weckt uns der Bauer und wirft uns vor, daß wir auf seinem Platz geschissen hätten, but this is not true.

Yesterday, Gerd has recovered and the daughter of Dr Stone and her boyfriend have stayed with us in the camp.

Harald's condition has improved again ...

... at a meeting here.

Half an hour after departure, we were invited by a nice woman for Cappuccino (Beatrice). In Meersburg it has a good Akoustik with spectacular background.

At 10:30 clock we passed Meersburg and have joined already 3 people (3 teachers attachments) of our artistic group.

Today we had many visitors from Vorarlberg, Überlingen in our group had 12 people.

Clock Around 18 we reached the daily goal Sipplingen.
Here's a group photo of the beach camp:

left to right: Patricia, Sandra, Conny, Jasmine with Rosalie (6 months old!), Geri, Harald and Dr Stone (seated)