Thursday, December 30, 2010

Humans Catch Impetigo From Dogs

New demo for Stampin Up!

Good morning. Unfortunately I am not come to the post yesterday. But now to the news. I would like to present you
Helga Kirschner. She is from 3/1/2011 demo on my team. And what is the best thing is, it must be because it goes into the Sale-A-Bration time, a stamp set from our Idea Book & Catalog worth up to € 63.95
choose. Is not it great?

Hi Helga !

I wish you lots of fun as a demo for Stampin Up and of course encourage the exchange of ideas with Sonja and me.

If you also want to get into my team and can use the Sale-A-Bration time. I am happy to inform you, as you'll be demo. Call me or write me an e-mail.

PS: Listen, if anyone else wants to send an e-mail to me. You have time to 02/01/2011 20 clock. Write me also like the fact that free stamp set (60 € 1 Set
120 € 2 sets, 180 and € 3 sets 240 € alle 4 Sets ) ihr haben möchtet.

Eure Birgit W.

Two Snowmobiles On A Pickup

Finally it's here!

Es ist Sale-A-Bration Zeit. Diese Aktion läuft vom 30.Dezember 2010 bis 28. Februar 2011. Du weißt nicht, wie du an ein kostenloses Stempelset kommst ? Hier ist die Erklärung:

1. Kaufen:

Bei einem Kauf in Höhe von 60 € (Listenpreis d. h. Katalogprreis ohne Versand und Handling) erhalten Sie ein Sale-A-Bration Set Ihrer Wahl gratis

2. Veranstalten:

Veranstalt Sie einen Workshop  Höhe von mindestens 450 € (Listenpreis,d.h. Katlogpreis ohne Versand und Handling) und erhalten Sie neben Gastgeberinnen-Prämien zudem ein Sale-A-Bratin Stempelset gratis .

3. Einsteigen:

Steigen Sie während Sale-A-Bration als Demonstrator bei Stampin` Up! ein und erhalten Sie ein kostenloses
Stempelset ( Gastgeberinnen-Sets ausgenommen) Ihrer Wahl aus dem Ideenbuch & Katalog ( im Wert von bis zu 63,95 €)

Ist das nicht toll? Gerne nehme ich Ihre ( Deine ) Bestellungen per E-Mail entgegen. Hast du vor als Demo bei Stampin Up ein zu steigen? Rufe mich an, ich erkläre dir dann wie das funktioniert. Einen besseren Zeitpunkt kannst du dir gar nicht  aussuchen.

I send an order out on the 01.01.2011. Who wants to also order just send an e-mail to me.

your Birgit W.

PS: I rise tonight after work. There are still a novelty. But you have to wait a bit longer. See you later.

Sale-A-Bration Flyer

Friday, December 24, 2010

Tutto Su Milena Velba

Merry Christmas, merry christmas, feliz natal

grad für euch geknipst!

Do Wife And Husband Shower Together

Frohe Weihnachten

We want all fans, players, officials and joy inside the club a Merry Christmas and a new year full of health and success.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does Rubbing Acohol Kill Strept?

I wish

that my dad will quickly recover. And I wish you all

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

I rise again after the holidays.

Your Bill W.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stores In Ontario That Sell Hunter Wellies

From prototype to production part: o)

Gestern lag ja nur das vorbereitete Außenblech rum. Heute wurde es weiter komplettiert. Eigentlich war's ja nur ein erster Versuch, aber es ist ausreichend brauchbar geworden und muss gleich herhalten...

Wenn das alles nur nicht soooooooooooo zeitraubend wäre...

Monday, December 20, 2010

What Does Is Mean When Your Right Hip Hurts

crafts ...

leider ist wie immer die Zeit knapp, aber für ne kleine Teilzeitbastelei hat it served. Cover sheet B-pillar was announced. For simplicity, I make it 2-pc.
The shape fits where. A longitudinal section and the width of the two parts fit well.
first fitting. It is!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Number One For Birthday Invitation

SORRY ....

I can tell you again today show anything. Hello. After we all, except my son, have been infected with the gastrointestinal virus that has hit me today. That's why I'm not to post. I hope you have a little patience. Unfortunately, this week has still been a bad message. My dad was admitted to the hospital. And I can not visit you. I hope you still continue to visit my blog. As soon as I feel better, I can also show you again what. It is encouraging that already the first Christmas card landed on me. Thanks to Bastelbine (Sabine helper) and Mrs. A. Kreitmeier. I was very happy about it. Needless to you also have a Christmas card from mir.So, now I must lie down again. I wish you a good night.

your Birgit W.

Metal Core Wheels 2 Set Stores


By yesterday Vorweihnacht'ln again a nice event is a success. The weather gave us a beautiful hand-fallen, on the other hand, as well as bone-chilling cold.

spirit of Christmas
Unfortunately, we failed this time immediately before the event both entertaining acts. Christopher Trimmel had an injury to decline his autograph session. The Rednosed Rendeers their scheduled appearance could unfortunately not deliver, because Wolfgang Glöckl was confined to the bed fever. These failures but could this be more than offset that, to the complete surprise of all, the spirit of Christmas gave himself for our event the honor.

It was a nice and relaxed together in the usual way SVL. We thank you in this way to all guests and all the helpers who have contributed to the success.

More photos on the event is here .

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cervix Position Is High

nice visit

Hi. Here I am again. Ah, today was so beautiful. So, without pressure and stress I mean. By the afternoon came the call from my daughter from school. She had afternoon sport and is so stupid fallen on her knee that she had to go to the doctor and he prescribed for her protection and not exercise and crutches. I'm just happy that only 14 school days. If it is not better next week, we unfortunately have to go to the doctor again. But I digress starting again. Actually I wanted to tell you about our friendly visit at the Christmas market. Yes, who was there for everything? Susanne, Beate, Tanja from me very many friends and Sonja were very many acquaintances and friends there. Now if only I had almost forgotten about Helga. Most came in spite of bad weather on a short visit with us past. We were very happy about it and all wanted to again say thank you, that they have kept their word.
morning I finally have my Art & Craft Oasis bring back into shape. Since it looks as if a bomb had hit. I must also have my Christmas gifts for my clients to get ready. Let's see how far I get tomorrow. My son's prom on Friday from dance class and need a suit. After I was already on Search, I hope that tomorrow I'll find something. And the stress is already on her way. Actually, I would have preferred more sleep. On Friday I must also have a job to get ready. You see, with me it will not be boring. But I want it sooooo yes. So that's it for today. I wish you all a good night.

your Birgit W.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Foot Pain When Figure Skating


Hi. Now I'm back home and would like to tell you of our Gaimersheimer Christmas market. Friday, it started very good. We had received the wrong screws, which was too short and in the other thread that was over it. Our table was thus a shaky affair. But we survived it. Saturday Sonja has organized in the same new screws. Thus, we did not take long with the assembly and disassembly. Friday was really nice Christmas. White and beautiful as it was dark, it has been looking really great. Yesterday and today we had, unfortunately, bad weather again. Sun dank I do not like at all. Does anyone of you read the tip Weekend magazine? It says it all a report on Stampin Up. Now you want to see pictures or determined?

This is the hut of my nice customers Craft Brigitte P. It has pictures, hand-knitted socks and homemade Caps sold. It has allowed me to photograph and show on my blog.
Well, how do you like our cabin? We have already decided to be there again next year. One or the other can do better. But for the first time we liked our cabin very well. She was also very well equipped. Sonja had mehr Karte und ich mehr Verpackungen. Somit haben wir uns wunderbar ergänzt. Wenn wir  nächstes Jahr wieder dabei sind, haben wir uns schon vorgenommen, im Sommer mit der Produktion von Karten und Verpackungen zu beginnen. Jetzt bin ich ja mal auf eure Kommentare gespannt. Vielleicht hat der eine oder andere Vorschläge, was man Dekomäßig verbessern könnte. Ich bin da für alles offen. So jetzt verabschiede ich mich für heute. Es waren 3 Tage Weihnachtsmarkt und sehr anstrengend. Ich brauche unbedingt Schlaf. Ich wünsche euch eine gute Nacht.

Eure Birgit W.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Creamy Cm Before Clear C…

preparation (Gurtaufnahme out)

Unfortunately another part of the B-pillar gone. Unfortunately, higher than the top flap of the new elbow.
pictures speak louder than empty words: o)

Line marking the height of the elbow.
The Gurtaufnahme must go out to patch up to collateral damage. (A small plate under / behind the stiffening angle had to be patched. Unfortunately, that was also full of holes toward the interior)
The rotten piece of the pillar is gone too.

Next step: fitting and welding of the small plate.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Is The Cost Of A Communication Board

inside B-pillar inside

the prepared inner part of the B-pillar could now be sealed, because now a useful outdoor sill is distended. But more on that later once more.
Da liegt's schon vorgrundiert rum.

 Da ist es testweise mal dran. Der neue Aussenschweller ist auch dabei.

Und da ist es drin.
Es müssen noch ein paar kleine Schnitte verschweißt werden. Aber erst, nachdem das Deckblech gebastelt und angepasst ist.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pokemon Anti In Pokemon Deluge

Sportlicher Rückblick auf die Herbstsaison 2010

should be tried at this point, make a brief review of the just past fall to the championship season 2010/2011.

Spiele und Trainings

Vom Trainingsbeginn am 29.6.2010 bis zum letzten Meisterschaftsspiel am 30.10.2010 – also im Zeitraum von 4 Monaten – gab es 52 Termine für unsere Fußballer: 33 Trainings, 7 Vorbereitungsspiele und 12 Meisterschaftsspiele.

Die Trainingsbeteiligung war so gut, wie wahrscheinlich noch nie: Im Durchschnitt waren 20(!) Spieler bei den Trainings anwesend. Das Maximum lag bei 29, das Minimum bei 12.


Die Kampfmannschaft steht nach den 12 Spielen mit 19 Punkten (6 Siege, ein Remis, 5 Niederlagen) und einem Torverhältnis von 24:14 am 5. Tabellenplatz und hat damit 8 Punkte Rückstand auf Herbstmeister Großwarasdorf. Leading scorers Zsolt Steiner (6) were, Andreas Imre (4) and Thorsten Mörk (3).

The games against teams that are in the table in front of us went here with the exception of the game against Oberloisdorf (2-2) consistently lost. The remarkable thing is that our team was at least equal in all these games and a draw would have earned in any event. All four matches were lost with only one goal. Set the "highest" defeat it with 0-2 against Stoob. In this sense, these teams throughout the fall season were successful even though, are anything but out of Reichweite. Was unserer Mannschaft gegenüber den Teams an der absoluten Tabellenspitze vielleicht noch fehlt, ist die Fähigkeit die beste Leistung regelmäßiger abrufen zu können. - Die Herbstsaison der Kampfmannschaft könnte also mit „gut, mit Potential nach oben“ beschrieben werden.


Höchst erfreulich ist das Abschneiden der Reservemannschaft. 26 Punkte aus 12 Spielen (8 Siege, 2 Remis, 2 Niederlagen) und ein Torverhältnis von 38:18 bedeuteten in der Endabrechnung der Herbstmeistertitel mit 2 Punkten Vorsprung auf Oberloisdorf. Die besten Torschützen waren Hannes Magedler (5), sowie Johannes Gruber, Sebastian Mörkl, Martin Schuckert Simon and Weber, each with 4 matches.

The reserve team came here including the above-mentioned training participation quite good because unlike many other teams, our reserve was more the problem of being able to bring all the available players for use as enough players for raise the team to be able to.

By the start of the spring season there is now a very long break of 5 months until the first match against Oberlosidorf on 03/04/2010.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blue Prints For Altra Light

0:1 Heimniederlage im letzten Spiel der Herbstsaison

This game between the current fourth and fifth of the championship began, "befitting" compensated fairly, wobei die Gäste aus Kr. Minihof sich mit Fortdauer des Spieles in der ersten Hälfte Vorteile erarbeiten konnten. Das lag unter anderem auch daran, dass unsere Mannschaft diesmal aus dem Mittelfeld zu wenig druckvoll nach vorne spielte.

Das 0:1 durch die Gäste war dann zwar eine Folge dieses Spielverlaufs, andererseits auch einigermaßen kurios und unnötig. Nach einem Abstimmungsfehler in der Abwehr kam unser Tormann beim Herauslaufen gegen den Angreifer etwas zu spät und wurde überhoben. Elias Mark kam mit seinem Rettungsversuch zu spät und konnte nicht mehr verhindern, dass der Ball in der 34. Minute über die Linie sprang.

Nachdem die erste Spielhälfte leider nahtlos an die Leistung im vorangegangenen Game against Stoob had joined, the picture changed in the second half clear shifted game shares and possession is clearly in the direction of our team. The event took place practically only in half of the opponent. This resulted in some chances, but then it was not compelling enough to actually lead to even bring about a shift in the game. Ultimately prevented something bad, a very strong Libero score and a fierce opponent of the strong performance in a draw, that the entire game would have become the best suited.

The reserve team could secure its already in the previous week autumn championship foam also slowed down only celebrating after this time the poorly performing unfamiliar place with a 0-4 (0-0) - had to leave defeat.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Much Is A Charizard Ex Worth

Ballspende der Jugend Strebersdorf

with a surprising gift to put the youth of Strebersdorf one at the last home game of the fall season. As captain Phil Weber could accept the new Match Ball.

Although the ball in this game, unfortunately, only found their way into his own goal, we are naturally delighted about the donation and thank you very much for the boys and girls from Strebersdorf. - The ball will come soon to secure a victory even with the use ;-)

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U14 siegt im letzten Spiel der Herbstsaison 1:0

The U14 team of our gaming community met on Saturday on the last play of the current autumn season. The short review about this game and the brief review of the half-season Barbara Weber contributed:

was in the first half, it's a more balanced game with no implied chances. In the second half we were able to increase the pressure a little, and Marc Hauser scored in the 75th Minute the score 1-0.

Shortly before the close there was a penalty for the "Club" but the ball went happily to the bar.

for us is the fall season now sadly over. It is only the second to last place has become. We leave too many points in the first few games. Why were the violations of our outstanding goalie and a few other players. - We hope for a more successful spring.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Send Jay Z Letter

Again a Linktipp

Im  T2 Restaurations Blog von highway_surfer geht es gerade um das Trockeneisstrahlen (TES). Hierbei werden Pellets von gefrorenem Kohlendioxid mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf die zu reinigende Fläche thrown. The strong cooling of the surface and the sudden sublimation of the blasting agent is as old as underbody protection from the plate. Rust is not removed, only dirt. The clear advantage is that no blasting media left after. You have to sweep only the detached U-protection.
The blog is also a link to a video of the cleaning action. Visited him once that is determined more interesting: T2 Westfalia Berlin Blog

look so real clean off!