Hi. Now I'm back home and would like to tell you of our Gaimersheimer Christmas market. Friday, it started very good. We had received the wrong screws, which was too short and in the other thread that was over it. Our table was thus a shaky affair. But we survived it. Saturday Sonja has organized in the same new screws. Thus, we did not take long with the assembly and disassembly. Friday was really nice Christmas. White and beautiful as it was dark, it has been looking really great. Yesterday and today we had, unfortunately, bad weather again. Sun dank I do not like at all. Does anyone of you read the tip Weekend magazine? It says it all a report on Stampin Up. Now you want to see pictures or determined?
This is the hut of my nice customers Craft Brigitte P. It has pictures, hand-knitted socks and homemade Caps sold. It has allowed me to photograph and show on my blog.
Well, how do you like our cabin? We have already decided to be there again next year. One or the other can do better. But for the first time we liked our cabin very well. She was also very well equipped. Sonja had mehr Karte und ich mehr Verpackungen. Somit haben wir uns wunderbar ergänzt. Wenn wir nächstes Jahr wieder dabei sind, haben wir uns schon vorgenommen, im Sommer mit der Produktion von Karten und Verpackungen zu beginnen. Jetzt bin ich ja mal auf eure Kommentare gespannt. Vielleicht hat der eine oder andere Vorschläge, was man Dekomäßig verbessern könnte. Ich bin da für alles offen. So jetzt verabschiede ich mich für heute. Es waren 3 Tage Weihnachtsmarkt und sehr anstrengend. Ich brauche unbedingt Schlaf. Ich wünsche euch eine gute Nacht.
Eure Birgit W.
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