Monday, September 27, 2010

Gummy Bears That Came In A Blue Packaging

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Alltäglichges it for the upcoming month changes to celebrate. Both our Honorary President, Horst Weber, and our honorary president, Karl Weber to celebrate their 70th birthday.

While Horst already on 30 September his 70s, is celebrating it's later with Karl ("Bobby") is only one day, on 1 October so far. - Rumors say the two had had even the same birthday, but that's another story.

It is not nearly enough space here to pay tribute to what these two stalwarts of the SVL for our club geleistet haben und noch immer tun. Allen, die das Geschehen im Verein in den letzten Jahrzehnten verfolgt haben ist klar, dass Vieles in unserem Verein nicht möglich gewesen  wäre, hätten sich Horst und Bobby nicht so unermüdlich engagiert.

Horst Weber
"Bobby" Weber

In solchen Fällen macht es wenig Sinn, sich in langen Lobsagungen und endlosen Aufzählungen  von Leistungen zu ergehen. Hier bleibt nur von ganzem Herzen Danke zu sagen, den beiden weiterhin viel Gesundheit zu wünschen und zu hoffen, dass sie dem Verein weiterhin tätig die Treue halten und dafür noch häufig dadurch belohnt werden, dass sie sich an den sportlichen Erfolgen mit freuen können.

Mit einer tiefen Verbeugung - die Spieler, Funktionäre und Fans des SVL.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hole In Bladder Causes

3-0 home win in the evening game against Kleinwarasdorf - A festival of football away in a great atmosphere

Schön wenn Prognosen auch einmal zutreffen. Nach dem Match gegen Großwarasdorf wurde hier angekündigt, dass sich unsere Fans im Falle eines Sieges in Raiding, beim folgenden Heimspiel auf ein tolles Match freuen könnten:
  • the victory against raiding had been reached with difficulty
  • inconsistencies in the team were at and pronounced been
  • storm and chestnuts were as culinary delights prepared
  • the floodlights had been tested again
  • the beginning of a match was a beautiful late summer day preceding
.... short - it was done.

was fantastic scenery before our team from the beginning to the very determined and at a high level of playful works. It could also soon developed a good chance, in which not exploit others and Zsolt Mörk Thorsten Steiner each header options. Wenig später vergab dann Márk Steiner einen „Sitzer“ nach einem wirklichen Bilderbuchangriff unserer Mannschaft. Der Gegner versuchte auch mit spielerischen Mittel zum Erfolg zu kommen, kam auch zu Möglichkeiten hatte aber letztendlich an diesem Abend nicht die Mittel mit unserer Elf mitzuhalten. Nachdem zunächst Zoltan Németh mit einem indirektem Freistoß innerhalb des Strafraums noch gescheitert war, war es wieder Thorsten Mörk der mit einem satten Schuss aus halbrechter Position dem Tormann keine Chance ließ und zum 1:0 traf.

Nach der Pause wurde die Überlegenheit der eigenen Mannschaft noch deutlicher. Leider wurden aber wieder zu viele hochkarätige Chancen ausgelassen. Vor allem ein in der zweiten Spielhälfte glänzend aufgelegter Zsolt Steiner , sorgte dafür, dass dieses Match bis zum Abpfiff eindeutig dominiert wurde. Zunächst brachte er Daniel Kantz mit perfekter Vorarbeit in Position, was aber leider noch ohne Torerfolg blieb. In der 63. Minute stellte er aus einem Freistoß aber auf 2:0. In der 88. Minute setzte er dann noch einen d’rauf: Nachdem er dem Verteidiger den Ball abgejagt hatte, ließ der 38jährige „Papa Steini“ die Gästeverteidigung alt aussehen und verwertete im Stil eines Klassefußballers zum 3:0 Endstand.

Dieses Spiel war Balsam auf die Fan-ridden soul. For the first time this season, half-agreed profit and performance, and all players can only be congratulated on this achievement.

remarkable in that game was the excellent performance of the referee only 16 year old Raphael Kaiser.

The Reserve was able to score points and keep it full of the standings in the championship of the reserve teams. Indeed, we are in the 1 Half against the guests lined up not complete yet very difficult, but ultimately there was a very clear 8-2 (2-1) victory our team. The scorers were Sebastian Mörkl and John Gruber je 2 mal, sowie Stefan Jestl, Hannes Magedler, Jürgen Gross und Stefan Toth.

Action Replay Platinum Happiness

severity of injury by Martin Zitter Schuckert

Leider haben sich die erste Prognosen bezüglich der Verletzung, die sich Martin Schuckert im Spiel in Raiding zugezogen hat bestätigt. Die Diagnose nach dem Mißgeschick, bei dem er sich ohne Fremdeinwirkung durch einen Gegenspieler, wohl aber nicht ohne Zutun des sich in einem miserablen Zustand befindlichen Spielfeldes in Raiding verletzt hat: Abriss des vorderen Kreuzbandes im rechten Knie und eine Fraktur.

Nun heißt es für "Schucki" zunächst einige Wochen Entlastung mit Krücken und Mitte Dezember dann Operation zur Restoration of the cruciate ligament.

Martin had already been struggling with a persistent problem in the foot, he was just on my way to work and gain a regular place in the first team when he was with this injury, unfortunately, thrown back hard.

Now we have to be patient and work consistently. Everyone - players, coaches, fans and officials of the sports club - we wish him well and will wait patiently that "Schucki" can slip back into the shirt of the SVL.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yankee Candle Tarts Safe In Scentsy Warmer

2-0 victory in Raiding

The previous run of three defeats in a row, had unfortunately auch in dieses Spiel hinein. Die Verunsicherung war der Mannschaft anzumerken und die spielerischen Schwächen des Gegners trugen im Zusammenwirken mit dem extrem holprigen Spielfeld weiter dazu bei, dass sich nur ein Fußballspiel auf äußerst bescheidenem Niveau entwickeln konnte.

Die erste Spielhälfte ist schnell abgehandelt: Unsere Mannschaft hatte klare spielerische Vorteile, aus denen sich auch einige Torchancen entwickelten, die aber – wie zuletzt schon oft – nicht in Tore umwandeln ließen.

In der Pause war allen Zuschauern klar, dass sich an diesem Tag kein ansehnliches Spiel mehr entwickeln würde, es schien aber eher darum zu gehen, ob unsere Mannschaft zum Torerfolg kommen könne oder are at the end a 0-0 would. Unfortunately, the game was developed early in the second half in the direction that the hosts were now on the opportunities, which unfortunately was a disorganized defense behavior and individual uncertainties due. More than once it was only the fate of Alex Marton our gate, or the inability of the opposing players attributed that not we fell behind. But even in their own attacking game worked very little. On the contrary, could be seen there too unpleasant than leave Martin Schuckert with suspected cruciate ligament had. He was replaced Andreas Imre.

Having already to think a little more conciliatory end was the game was still a happy ending, as in the 78th Minute a shot by Thorsten Mörk the way into the opponents' goal was. Just 3 minutes later Stefan Schmidt could cross from Andreas Imre even increase to 2-0. Then the hosts were not able to be too dangerous and it could be finally scored full despite moderate power.

The reserve team could once again enter all three points and a 4-1 (1-1) will win. This could also be taken over the championship lead. The scorers were Marc Prikoszovits, John Gruber, Simon Weber, and Christoph Sterr.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wedding Program Remembering Deceased

Renewed 1:2 defeat against Großwarasdorf

gave the home game against second-placed Großwarasdorf it the third 1-2 defeat in the series. The history of the game also writes almost like a repeat.

Before good crowd and a magnificent football weather started the game well balanced. This day our team the better start. Marc Prikoszovits could use a resulting from a set piece cross from the right with a header from close range for 1-0. Unfortunately, the scorer had to be replaced already barely ten minutes later through Martin Schuckert because of physical discomfort.

Aus einem Abstimmungsfehler in unserer Abwehr resultierte dann in der 31. Minute der Ausgleich. Der Torjäger der Gäste, Lászlo Egle, ließ sich nicht bitten und nahm das Geschenk gerne an. Er musste den Ball letztlich nur mehr aus kürzester Entfernung ins leere Tor schieben. Als ob das nicht genug wäre, setzte unsere Verteidigung noch einen d’rauf. Ein haarsträubender Rückpass leitete die zweite Geschenkübergabe an Egle ein – 1:2.

Waren wir schon in der ersten Hälfte mehr als ebenbürtig, hatte unsere Elf dann in der zweiten Halbzeit das Geschehen eindeutig im Griff. Unter anderem fanden Wolfgang Danzler, Andreas Imre, Daniel Kantz und Stefan Schmidt ganz thick opportunities were whistling, which were either awarded or the referee for alleged offside. Quantifiable success until the final whistle but did not re-adjust it so that when 1:2 was the guest happy and could go as the new leader of the place.

The team is now after five games on the eleventh and third-last place, which is undoubtedly very disappointing. This is surely because there are obvious shortcomings in their own game:
  • The defense produced in virtually every game - with alternating participation - Individual serious unforced errors, which unfortunately usually also play are crucial.
  • The game on the outer tracks is barely functioning.
  • The opportunity assessment and harmony in the offensive game are inadequate. be held
other hand, despite the disappointing results of the last three rounds and that the team had been playing all opponents equal or superior.

enough, as we have seen but not yet. Only when all the players in place well in terms of concentration, discipline and combat readiness at 100% for the matter is, is it a really good team. Without these qualities, it is probably in the coming games no successes give. On the other hand, is also safe to assume that us being in the moment and missing bit of luck and fall to adjust the results that match the performance of the team, if those virtues are shown on the site.

succeed this weekend in Raiding finally a complete success may itself set the fans at the next event in the floodlit match against Kleinwarasdorf again on a great match, great atmosphere and a further achievement.

is good news to report from the reserve team . In a close game to put our team through after a great goal from Sebastian Mörkl 1-0.

One of the results was particularly pleased about this probably was his father, Engelbert Mörkl, who as always managed as a referee of the game reserves. He was here for once uttered a heartfelt thanks.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Running Milena Velba

With 1:2 away defeat in three points Nikitsch

As in the previous week it was this time in Nikitsch again after 90 minutes 1:2. A defining factor in this game was the very strong wind, which gave them little controlled build-up play. In the first half hour came from the hosts Nikitsch cope better with adverse conditions. Our own team acted on the other hand some unfocused and very technical with many errors. Although the other team had more of the game, she could hardly derive from it compelling opportunities. The 0-1 in the 10th Minutes was finally concluded even more random by the sovereign to this day acting a shot Thorsten Mörk abfälschte so unhappy that no longer engage in the goal was Alexander Marton.

The last fifteen minutes of the first half, then had it right in itself. A key scene took place in the 32th Minute from when the referee in a minute three yellow cards to players of our team and distributed to the "d'faithful over" after Mark Elias nor by the yellow-red card space presented. Three minutes later, took the score to the shock phase to increase after a defensive error to make it 2-0.

After our standard Libero, Zoltán Németh, retired before the game due to a torn muscle in the calf, had to in the 44th Daniel Kantz minutes still left the place due to injury. Shortly afterwards there was the first glimmer of hope: After Marc Prikoszovits brought in the penalty area, there was a penalty. The only shortly before substitute Martin Schuckert could use this chance and not put the ball on the pole. - This devastating account it went into the break.

The second half then was quite different from the first 45 minutes. With only 10 players, our team had the entire 2 Half of the game under control and tried to forget the first half to make. Among other things, brought the substitutions by Martin Schuckert and finally back into the team returned Phil Weber more order and momentum into the offensive game. In the 56th Minute it was then once more Zsolt Steiner, who was the opposing goalie with a massive shot from 20 yards and no chance of us approach applied to 1:2.

the end, the good second half but not enough for the "construction site" from the first very clean, so the team had to go back home with empty pockets. In view of anything but convincing the respondent and the indiscipline in the first round, this time there were really three completely unnecessarily gave away points that would have been sure to reap a little more concentration. Reflected by the the fact that we are after 4 games with only 4 points on the unimpressive 10th Standings are. - This is certainly less than hoped for.

At least our reserve team was successful again this time and went with a 4-2 (3-0) win. The scorers Philipp Weber (2) have been, Harald Toth and John Gruber.

In the next home game will receive our team, the team from Großwarasdorf. So she gets it back with a really heavy chunks to do: Großwarasdorf has 13 points on points with league leaders Hirm on second place and one of the contenders for the championship title in this game year.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Buy Welded Wire Leaners

Flottes game but no points - 1-2 home defeat against Hirm

This game was eagerly anticipated and kept his promise that there would be a hard-fought game.

Our team started well in the game and had to start playing the game well under control. Already in the 15th Minutes could they also won then scoring: It was Zsolt Steiner that could accommodate a direct free kick in the short corner - 1-0. Then the game took on a bit more pace and there were always chances on both sides. As it already looked as if our team would go with the leadership in the break, scored the always dangerous brand top scorer of the guests, Attila Kriston, the 1-1.

presented in the second half, the game still further to the entertainment value. On both sides there were a number of partially "thick" opportunities but could not be translated into quantifiable success. As could and had our goalkeeper, Marton Alex, Can be a number of times the test. The fast-paced game surged back and forth. In the 82nd Minute it was then our team, which suffered the second goal. It was again Kriston, cancel out of our defense and make it 2-1 for his teammates prepared.

was remaining in the game, of course, full-time campaign announced. The already fast-paced and exciting game was thus in the final stage just a tad bit more spectacular, it was enough for another goal but it did not on both sides.

Our team has in meeting the leaders, which is still without points after 4 games loss absolut ebenbürtig gezeigt. Deshalb darf man nach dem Spiel enttäuscht darüber sein, dass das Punktekonto nicht erhöht werden konnte. Andererseits war aber auch zu sehen, dass die Mannschaft noch Verbesserungspotential hat, wenn die Abstimmung im Zusammenspiel optimiert werden kann, Mängel im Spielaufbau ausgeräumt werden können und das Abwehrverhalten noch etwas abgeklärter gestaltet werden kann.

Nach den ersten drei Meisterschaftsspielen steht unsere Mannschaft mit einem Sieg, einem Unentschieden und einer Niederlage mit 4 Punkten in der Tabellenmitte. Die bisherigen Begegnungen haben gezeigt, dass „die Bäume nicht in den Himmel wachsen“, dass sich die Mannschaft aber vom spielerischen Potential mit allen Gegnern in unserer Klasse messen kann. Ob die Mannschaft im weiteren Verlauf der Meisterschaft wirklich im vorderen Tabellenbereich mitmischen kann oder ein Mittelständler wird, wird nicht zuletzt davon abhängen, wie gut es die Spieler schaffen, sich von Rückschlägen nicht außer Tritt bringen zu lassen sondern im Gegenteil als Mannschaft weiter zusammenwachsen.

Diesmal konnte leider auch unsere Reserve nicht punkten. In einem engen Match musste sich unsere Mannschaft letztlich 3:4 (2:2) geschlagen geben. Die Torschützen für unsere Elf waren Harald Toth und zweimal Simon Weber .