Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yankee Candle Tarts Safe In Scentsy Warmer

2-0 victory in Raiding

The previous run of three defeats in a row, had unfortunately auch in dieses Spiel hinein. Die Verunsicherung war der Mannschaft anzumerken und die spielerischen Schwächen des Gegners trugen im Zusammenwirken mit dem extrem holprigen Spielfeld weiter dazu bei, dass sich nur ein Fußballspiel auf äußerst bescheidenem Niveau entwickeln konnte.

Die erste Spielhälfte ist schnell abgehandelt: Unsere Mannschaft hatte klare spielerische Vorteile, aus denen sich auch einige Torchancen entwickelten, die aber – wie zuletzt schon oft – nicht in Tore umwandeln ließen.

In der Pause war allen Zuschauern klar, dass sich an diesem Tag kein ansehnliches Spiel mehr entwickeln würde, es schien aber eher darum zu gehen, ob unsere Mannschaft zum Torerfolg kommen könne oder are at the end a 0-0 would. Unfortunately, the game was developed early in the second half in the direction that the hosts were now on the opportunities, which unfortunately was a disorganized defense behavior and individual uncertainties due. More than once it was only the fate of Alex Marton our gate, or the inability of the opposing players attributed that not we fell behind. But even in their own attacking game worked very little. On the contrary, could be seen there too unpleasant than leave Martin Schuckert with suspected cruciate ligament had. He was replaced Andreas Imre.

Having already to think a little more conciliatory end was the game was still a happy ending, as in the 78th Minute a shot by Thorsten Mörk the way into the opponents' goal was. Just 3 minutes later Stefan Schmidt could cross from Andreas Imre even increase to 2-0. Then the hosts were not able to be too dangerous and it could be finally scored full despite moderate power.

The reserve team could once again enter all three points and a 4-1 (1-1) will win. This could also be taken over the championship lead. The scorers were Marc Prikoszovits, John Gruber, Simon Weber, and Christoph Sterr.


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