Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Ballspende der Jugend Strebersdorf

with a surprising gift to put the youth of Strebersdorf one at the last home game of the fall season. As captain Phil Weber could accept the new Match Ball.

Although the ball in this game, unfortunately, only found their way into his own goal, we are naturally delighted about the donation and thank you very much for the boys and girls from Strebersdorf. - The ball will come soon to secure a victory even with the use ;-)

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U14 siegt im letzten Spiel der Herbstsaison 1:0

The U14 team of our gaming community met on Saturday on the last play of the current autumn season. The short review about this game and the brief review of the half-season Barbara Weber contributed:

was in the first half, it's a more balanced game with no implied chances. In the second half we were able to increase the pressure a little, and Marc Hauser scored in the 75th Minute the score 1-0.

Shortly before the close there was a penalty for the "Club" but the ball went happily to the bar.

for us is the fall season now sadly over. It is only the second to last place has become. We leave too many points in the first few games. Why were the violations of our outstanding goalie and a few other players. - We hope for a more successful spring.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Again a Linktipp

Im  T2 Restaurations Blog von highway_surfer geht es gerade um das Trockeneisstrahlen (TES). Hierbei werden Pellets von gefrorenem Kohlendioxid mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf die zu reinigende Fläche thrown. The strong cooling of the surface and the sudden sublimation of the blasting agent is as old as underbody protection from the plate. Rust is not removed, only dirt. The clear advantage is that no blasting media left after. You have to sweep only the detached U-protection.
The blog is also a link to a video of the cleaning action. Visited him once that is determined more interesting: T2 Westfalia Berlin Blog

look so real clean off!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gator Trailers Review

News aus den Nachwuchsbewerben

players from our club is currently involved in a syndicate with village men, and Rattersdorf Oberloisdorf most championships in the U16, U14 and U12 competition.

The U16 we play in the middle class B . The home games are in this ausgetregen Rattersdorf. From SVL play there currently Rafael Magedler and K evin Weber . The team is there though with 6th place in the table at the end, but now the game against the gaming community center 4-3 (2-3) won. This led a Kevin Weber with his goal to shift after the opponent had lain 3-0 lead. The last game of the year on Sunday at 14:00 against the game clock in Rattersdorf Community 2000th

The U14 playing in the competition of the mid C . The home games are in ausgetregen Oberloisdorf. In this team of our association Tobias Rohrer, Barbara Weber and John Weber represented. The team is currently on the fifth and also second from bottom place. Last game was lost to the gaming community center with 2:4. Scorer in this game was a 1-0 John Weber . The last game of the year take place on Saturday at 14:00 in clock Oberloisdorf.

The U12 takes the middle class C part in the championship. The home games will be played in Mannersdorf. From the SVL are Julian Grosinger and Lukas Westhoff represented in the team. The next game takes place on Saturday at 15:00 in clock Mannersdorf.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Seep Signs Of Ear Infection

Demontage Kniestück

The elbow was up, down, front and rear somehow crispy. So away with it. Goal was first, at a time and remove it as gently as possible. I have rejected the plan relatively quickly, whatever you want with the part. I can hang on the wall thing and 3 parts.

beginning was to expose the seams to see where the piece is spot welded resistance everywhere.
(Note Yes, you could wash the car after the last sludge drive actually times!)

Then I started to grind the welds at the overlap of the elbow with the roughing thin. Sweaty thing and only doubtfully effective ... It is unlikely that the elbow eventually pops up on the floor. Too bad ... But is now the method described in the guide body much easier. The bit goes through the thin metal such as ground through butter. To remove the reworking of the many metal-containing residues to get now but a must.

Another section still separates the entrance from the rest As said, expand the piece's too expensive.

A slices along the passenger floor and some carnage in the A-pillar and the very last remnants hanging by a thread.

The whole operation was done quickly, however, comes the toughest challenge remains to remove the plate on the vehicle. This will take some time.

exchange isses ...

The knee should be splinted with possibly a little bandage.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Signature Block Stamp

Gegen Luftzug...

... it helps to plug holes. The floor is in!

As always the same. Fit spot welding, close score, sanding ...

Something has twittered me that it is better for the stability of the welds are not plane to grind. I've done here because the site is invisible anyway.

Sale fully lubricated with strong anti-rust primer. And I have a (for me) easy revolutionary discovery. The foundation has not run the property as well, ie there is always light brush strokes. But if you auftupft the color on the surface you have a "hammer blow" like effect of the more homogeneous is due. Like me!

top the plate is painted very, very thick. You can see by the brush stroke very strong. It looks a bit gooey, but gives me nothing.
Below I dabbed the paint. Is something beautiful ... (I find anyway)

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0:2 Auswärtsniederlage in Stoob

Although both teams strengthened by was the previous successes with great confidence going into the game, the match was rather slow going. If you wanted to find a difference between the two teams, it was most likely that our team a little more playful means of trying to succeed, while the home side tried everything from Stoob play out their athletic strengths.

had total on both sides of the defense by attacking their colleagues in the department all under control. Therefore, the really great opportunities on both sides real short supply. After our team by Zsolt Steiner was previously recorded a shot against the bar, it was then in the 22 Unfortunately the minutes Opponents who had reason to cheer. After a voting problem in his own defense, the enemy came forward in front of our goalie to the ball unchallenged and had no problem to recover the ball.

The game took off in intensity to that point yet and was very stressed and sometimes battle out with the gloves on. Before the break, our team came once very close to the settlement, as Simon Weber with a great long shot unfortunately hit the crossbar. Our team

was very motivated from the half time break and had the best time at this stage in the game. The final decision but then fell to barely 10 minutes of playing time for the second round. After a blackout in the defense came, the enemy attackers from a corner to head the ball and had no problem pushing the ball over the line.

Although would then have been enough time to give the game a turning point was our team that day not in a position in the game to develop enough pressure to the defensive well-positioned opposing defenses seriously embarrass .

summary, we can say that both teams were equal in this meeting. The decisive factor that night was, perhaps, that long stretches of the encounter had the impression that the team from Stoob that evening before their home fans the victory somewhat more wanted when our team.

In the table of the 2 Middle class, this round also brought in some movement. On the one hand, the gap to the top has not increased significantly, on the other hand, at the persecutors of the top duos a much broader group in position. Sun Oberloisdorf example, has come on Tuesday at three points in the supplement game against Unterpullendorf the ability to very far forward and to make the top two a top trio.

promises really exciting to be the last home game of this half-season. With Kr Minihof not just a neighborhood Derby is coming up, but we also received the team that in the table immediately in front of their team stands. - Power is, therefore, the last match as good as guaranteed. There

maximum rants it from the reserve report. With a 2-1 (0-0), the team secured before the last game in this half-season the autumn title. The scorers were Sebastian Mörkl and Stefan Toth . - Congratulations! had created

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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5:1 Derby-Heimsieg gegen Kr. Geresdorf

Despite the rain that day very adverse weather conditions that left many spectators in this Nachbarschaftsderby nicht entgehen und waren gespannt darauf, ob es unserer Mannschaft gelingen würde, die Serie der vier vorangegangenen Siege fortzusetzen.

Dafür sprach dann auch gleich, dass Philipp Weber schon in der 5. Spielminute nach einem Eckball per Kopf aus kurzer Distanz zum 1:0 verwerten konnte. Der Kapitän war es auch, der seine – besonders in der ersten Spielhälfte – überragende Leistung mit der wunderschönen Vorarbeit zum 2:0 krönte. Nachdem er auf der rechten Flanke seinen Gegenspieler scheinbar mühelos ausgespielt hatte, servierte er den Ball mit perfekter Flanke für Thorsten Mörk , der in der 23. Minute mit wunderschönem Kopfball verwertete.

The guests from Kr Geresdorf took a while to absorb this shock. In the 40th minute, it was reported, however, back in the game, as a scorer Aurel Varga, Stangl a pass to use 1:2. This seemed to be possible again much in this game.

with a double strike just before half time but our team did before the break, all right. First, the opposing goalie could not tame a shot on the slippery floor and Andreas Imre could accommodate a difficult angle, despite coming off the ball to 3-1 in goal. Just one minute later, our team was the highlight in the first half. Wolfgang Danzl bediente Daniel Kantz nach einem energischen Vorstoß mit einer Flanke, dieser spielte dem mitkommenden Passgeber den Ball per Kopf zurück und Wolfgang konnte diesen Bilderbuchangriff mit einem wunderbaren Außenristschuss  zum 4:1 Pausenstand abschließen.

In der zweiten Hälfte musste mit Daniel Kantz und Aurel Varga auf beiden Seiten jeweils ein Spieler verletzungsbedingt ausscheiden. Auf Seiten des Gegners bedeutete dies, dass in der zweiten Spielhälfte praktisch keine Torgefahr mehr entwickelt werden konnte. Unsere Elf probierte mit langen Bällen leider viel zu oft mit jenem Mittel zum Erfolg zu kommen, dass angesichts der schwierigen Bodenverhältnisse das ungeeignetste war. Daher hatte die zweite Spielhälfte Unfortunately, much less to offer highlights from the first. Only the 5:1 - in which Andreas Imre a cross from Wolfgang Danzl volley for his second goal that day was recovered - was an exception.

Although the victory was on this day never really in question, which is 5-1 but his opponent is worse than he was. Nevertheless, it was not only the 5th Win in a row, but our team could do with a score of 10:2 in the last two games really something for the goal difference and claim the role of the first prosecutor of the top duos Hirm and Großwarasdorf. Since Oberloisdorf in this round the Großwarasdorf first defeat inflicted, and could also Hirm Dörfl to enter only one point, the Vorfolger to the table double top who can make up ground. - The team must therefore be at this point without "ifs and buts" just once warmly congratulated.

If we focus in the table and back, it is clear that we can get it in the final two rounds of the fall season to deal with two teams that are in addition to their team at the moment the most successful: Stoob Minihof and Kr. The conditions for two very interesting games at the end of the autumn round is so perfect.

Our Reserve hat wieder zugeschlagen. Erste Halbzeit 2:1, zweite Halbzeit 4:0, macht 6:1. Damit ist nicht nur die Tabellenführung eindrucksvoll verteidigt worden, sondern auch etwas unterstrichen worden, was unseren Verein im Moment absolut auszeichnet: Die grandiose Trainingsbeteiligung sorgte nicht nur dafür, dass in dem heutigen Match 20 Spieler für die Reserve zur Verfügung standen, sondern auch dafür, dass die Spieler Kraft genug haben, die Gegner bevorzugt in der zweiten Spielhälfte in die Knie zu zwingen. - Bravo!

Die Torschützen waren diesmal: Hannes Magedler (2), David Gansrigler, Jürgen Gross, Stefan Jestl und Samuel Toth

Monday, October 11, 2010

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5:1 Auswärtssieg in Dörfl

In this game, two table neighbors, both had teams of two players without that counted in the previous championship to the regular players: When Dörfl were the top goal scorer and goalkeeper is not available, we have had to sick leave standard Libero Zoltán Németh and starting goalie Alex Marton. In goal this time was Christoph Plöchl and on the position of libero play Thorsten Mörk. Both - had anticipated as much - delivered from their positions on an excellent match.

Both teams tried from the beginning to come up with playful means to success, resulting in a very respectable and balanced match developed. The first highlight in the game was our captain, Phil Weber than he could accommodate a wide cross from a difficult angle volley in Gästetor. Unfortunately, the goal celebrations had hardly died away when the guests were virtually offset by the kick-off at 1-1. Our team could be like this but do not confuse their game played consistently and was rewarded in the 33rd Minutes rewarded when it Simon Weber and his brother did the same with a shot from the edge of the box set to 2:1, which was also the break state.

In the second half, the match was intense continued. From the 66th Minutes was then the match in an eventful finish, as a striker of villagers with yellow-red card has been excluded. In the 72nd Minute it came to the preliminary decision: First, Zsolt Steiner far failed to throw Daniel Kantz with his shot yet at the post, was the bouncing ball back Andreas Imre use but from close range with a nice volley. After this 3-1 numerically depleted hosts put on full offensive and therefore also opened more spaces for our attacking play which could be used on this day. First, increased Andreas Plöchl in the 80th Minute with a shot from 20 Meters to 4-1 while the visiting goalkeeper did not look too happy. marked the end Daniel Kantz later only five minutes. Jürgen Gross had served to push him in a classic counter with a through ball and Daniel was able to put his speed, rushing out to play the goalie and then the ball into the empty net.

Victory is measured in the course of the game 5-1 but was somewhat high, but should not cast shadows that this game was very pleasing many aspects.
  • the players as a team convinced
  • with the fourth victory in a row we are on the very positive third place advanced
  • the used have come players who were last not first choice for the starting grid, all of them have a good performance delivered
  • had five scorers, and with Philip Weber, Simon Weber and Andi Plöchl equal to 3 players at their first goal of the season came
When Reserve there was this time a goalless draw , which Dörfl was held as one of the toughest prosecutors in the table at a distance and the championship lead was defended. are

In the three rounds still outstanding autumn two "hot" in home games against teams from neighboring towns and Kr Kr Geresdorf Minihof and between them an away game in Stoob. We ask all fans the team this Sunday (kick-off 15:00 clock; Reserve 13:00 clock) to assist with their visit and vigorously cheer. The neighborhood rivals Kr Geresdorf guarantees an exciting game and the team really deserved the last performance shown a good crowd.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

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2:1 Auswärtssieg in Pöttsching

did not quite unexpectedly, our team in the game against the Tabellennachzügler from Pöttsching serious situation than the table suggests would.

first seemed to run everything for our team, who was away from kick-off game to determine clearly. In the 15th Minutes there was already celebrating a goal when Andrew Imre cross from Philipp Weber was able to place the ball with a header in the Gästetor. After that our team was playing against the weak acting play decisive score unchanged, but could not increase the connected account. Towards the end of the first half, we had the only time tremble when an opposing attacker came after a challenge with our goalkeeper Alex Marton in the penalty area. Fortunately, the constant whistle of the referee in dieser Situation stumm.

Andi Imre
Zsolt Steiner

Nach Wiederanpfiff dauerte es wieder 15 Minuten bis wir endlich zum zweiten Treffer kamen. Zsolt Steiner brachte sich nach einem Dribbling von der linken Seite in Schussposition  und ließ dem gegnerischen Torhüter beim Abschluss keine Chance.

Obwohl das eigene Spiel immer schwächer wurde, schaute es doch danach aus, als ob es only to decide whether we could still achieve another goal or it would remain 2-0. As daber the performance of the team with continuity was always unsightly and incorrect, we had in the 90th Minutes or even take the first goal and then shaking us until the final whistle. Thus, in this game with increasing playing time absolutely harmless opponent yet "come alive".

Although there is streaky performance, we can look forward to the third victory in series, the team is on the 4th Table space is lifted.

Hannes Magedler
The reserve team was successful in Pöttsching and won by two goals from Hannah Magedler in the first half with 2-0 .

promises very interesting the next meeting to be away in Dörfl. Because it goes against the immediate neighbors table about whether we succeed himself as a persecutor of the sharpest peak duo Hirm and Großwarasdorf to position or if we slide back again in the middle of the table. For the reserve team is about to consolidate the top position over the well closest competitors.
are not