Friday, January 21, 2011

Where To Buy Dirt Bike Party Favors

door to torture ...

So now hab ich den Salat. Wenn ich das gewusst hätte...
Es geht um's Kniestück. Das ist vielleicht ein Mist. Und die Türe zum ausrichten ist auch Mist. Aber mal der  Reihe nach. Ich hab mir überlegt vor dem Einschweißen der Bleche der B-Säule mal das Kniestück fertig zu machen. Leider gestaltet sich das deutlich schwerer als gedacht. Erst dachte ich dass man unten "nur" die Trittstufe etwas tieferlegen muß. Also mal schnell die Flex angekurbelt und ein Schnittchen gemacht.
Dann ging die Fummelei los. Was ein Mist. Irgendwann hatte ich die Passungen dann soweit dass es unter Zwang und Androhung roher Gewalt wenigstens annähernd rein gegangen is.
I allow, and that shit ... Then I got
from despair dug out the door because you really only with built-in door has achieved what. Well, while I was in a very mean and sneaky way recalls that the doors are also shit. In my head I always had the idea to restore the time, but what I'm waiting at the sight of this misery and incredible lot of work still to me before the discard will. At least to date.

Here's a funny quartet of images which reproduces the super great condition of my doors. And that's just the bottom edge of the flaps. People who feel they can even cut out and hang as a memorial.

The metal edge on the window channel is torn a thousand times, so I spare you now.

Then I again squeezed inside the elbow. Here are a few impressions ...
looks at the column it relatively good. The gap is still too big to me. At the start we are with the gap as much time balancing generous .. hmmpf!

Here's something more to press ... is indeed good times ..

But this is the full joke! Why is the door out of there only NEN two feet?
If the door or the elbow to blame?

Sorry for the bad language, but this has really annoyed me ...


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